Deep-dive: Type of investment and logistics: ETP
- An ETP (Exchange Traded Product) is like ETF (Exchange Traded Fund) but for products other than funds (e.g. proprietary strategies).
- Accessible via any bank or platform with access to the London Stock Exchange
- Available to all types of investors - no need to be a MIFID II professional investor
- Operationally and fiscally, it is analogous to investing in a share.
- Entry in July 2024 but notifying me before June; after that, no further investments will be accepted unless someone exits.
- Exits at any time
- Liquid assets (sales and purchases with 32 bp spread)
- Manager and other investors invest in the same product
- Hard cap of 20 million euros to avoid impact on strategies
Comparison of ETPs with other types of investments
Source: Leverage Shares, one of the European leaders in the ETP sector.
Note: figures are rounded to the last significant figure shown.